메뉴 건너뛰기


   Prof. Jungho Kim

    Contact Information

    Department of Information Display
    Kyung Hee University

    26 Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemoon-gu

    Seoul 02447, Republic of Korea

    E-mail: junghokim@khu.ac.kr  

    Tel: +82-2-961-2165

    Fax: +82-2-968-6924


► Education

• Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 2006.
  - Thesis: Optical and Electrical Properties of Novel Quantum Dot Lasers and Amplifiers [PDF 1409kB]

M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, 2000.
  - Thesis: A Study on the New Structures of Wavelength Add/Drop Multiplexer and Optical Cross Connect Using Fiber Bragg Gratings [PDF 604kB]B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, 1998.

  Graduated summa cum laude

 Working Experience

• 09/2019-present,  Professor, Department of Information Display, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.

• 09/2014-08/2019,  Associate Professor, Department of Information Display, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.

09/2010-08/2014, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Display, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
09/2008-08/2010, Full-time lecturer, Department of Information Display, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
06/2006-07/2008, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

08/2001-05/2006, Research Assistant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
04/2000-06/2001, Full-time Research Staff, Electrical Engineering and Science Research Institute, Seoul, Korea.
03/1998-02/2002, Research Assistant, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.


Awards and Honors

02/2000, Silver Prize on the 6th Human Tech. Thesis Contest, Samsung Electronics, Korea.

02/2000, Distinguished M.S. Thesis Award, School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea.


Fellowships and Scholarships

• 09/2007-07/2008, Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship, European Union.

07/2006-08/2007, Humboldt Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany.

09/2001-05/2006, IT Scholarship, Ministry of Information and Communication, Korea.

09/1998-02/2000, Graduate Student Scholarship, Korea Foundation for Advanced Study, Korea.

03/1998-02/1999, Rotary Club Scholarship, 3640 District, Seoul, Korea.

03/1996-02/1998, University Scholarship, Kumho Asiana Group, Korea.